Innovative Bathymetric Sensor Redefines Precision In Subsea Data Collection
The latest bathymetric sensor released by oceanographic and hydrographic instrument experts, Valeport, is a state-of-the-art sensor designed to revolutionise oceanic data collection. The Bathy2 delivers precision bathymetric data from ROVs/AUVs and sets a new standard by offering unparalleled precision and efficiency in depth and height data.
The Bathy2 is an integrated sensor suite designed to meet customer bathymetric requirements for a reliable, accurate and robust instrument with more functionality to suit specific operations up to 6000m in depth. An enhancement of the popular Valeport Midas BathyPack, Bathy2 uses Valeport’s proven survey industry standard sensors to generate precision Sound Velocity and Density profiles for highly accurate depth and height data.
The robust sensor, designed to withstand harsh deep-sea environments, brings together the benefits of density corrected output directly from one instrument, alongside the flexibility of third party pressure sensor input and Valeport interchangeable pressure modules to allow users enhanced accuracy at different depths.
Improving the user experience has been a key driver in the development of this superior bathymetric instrument and the addition of a dedicated data output for INS allows bathymetric data to be efficiently and seamlessly communicated directly with users’ own operational software. Other helpful benefits include the flexible pressure options using Valeport’s interchangeable pressure sensors, these user-friendly field-swappable sensor heads make it easy for users to select the correct pressure for their working depth bringing benefits of exceptional reliability and a higher degree of accuracy.
This comprehensive bathymetric package offers other useful parameters such as Altitude and Bathy2 interfaces with the Valeport VA500 altimeter and other popular third party makes.
To find out more about the Bathy2 and its capabilities, please contact:
+44 1803 869292